Agri Aquaponics


Mission Statement

Agriculture has been in my blood since I was a boy. Propagating seeds on my garage roof in Melbourne to building vineyards and avocado farms on the Mornington Peninsula. With Australia suffering one of the worst droughts on record it became evident that we need to do more in capturing and storing water. This is my life purpose and calling.

Aquaponics is one of the most water efficient ways to grow food. Aquaponics is a harmony of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (growing plants in water). An aquaponics grow system is designed around a closed water loop to grow fruit and vegetables. It comprises of a fish tank, a water pump, and grow beds. The water is circulated around from the fish tank into the grow beds. The plants grow in a soil-less environment. The fish create nutrients for the plants and the plants filter the water for the fish. It is a symbiotic relationship.

Agri Aquaponics designs and builds Aquaponic systems with the focus on growing fresh vegetables for the local market. With the aim of lowering food miles and encouraging consumers to eat seasonal fresh (live) herbs and vegetables. Growing food in Aquaponic systems is water and space efficient. We can grow food anywhere there is sunlight, unproductive land, car park or roof top. We have designed scale-able systems that are self-sufficient, self-supported greenhouses powered by batteries and solar.

The Mission

  • Lower food miles

  • Use water efficient practises

  • Low carbon foot print - off the grid powered.

  • Eat fresh, Eat local.

  • Have more control over your food source

  • Organic health food - no chemicals used. (otherwise the fish will die)

Agri Aquaponics have designed and built scale-able aquaponic systems that can grow a large number of herbs and vegetables. We can deploy our systems in urban areas to grow fresh food closer to the end consumer. Overall using less food miles, using less water and less energy. After consultation with our clients Agri Aquaponics designs and builds custom aquaponic grow systems. The systems are scale-able and can include self-supported greenhouses in order to extend the growing season and produce out of season foods that normally would travel hundreds of kilometres across the country. Agri Aquaponics will also maintain and monitor systems letting the restaurant / body corporate / schools to focus on what they do best.

In consultation with the end client Agri Aquaponics will set up and focus production on vegetables, herbs and fruits that the customer requires including creating planting schedules and propagating organic seeds.

Join my mission.